Thursday, March 15, 2007

Whatever Shall I Do?

My sweet girl is going away for the weekend. I am wondering how I will survive it without her. This house will seem so empty. I have no doubt that she will be having a great time with her godmother. I suppose I could do some much needed housework, or sleep in everyday. When was the last time I did that? I know it will be tougher on me and she is only a phone call away. My how fast your life can change.

1 comment:

Kylie's momma said...

You can do it you can do it! Time to take some much needed ME time and to ENJOY it too. You have to do it as mcuh for yourself as for Miss Shea. She needs to be able to be on her own too. I can only imagine how hard it will feel being you are her one and only but it's good to get her to sleep somewhere else just because. You never know what might happen and it's good she feels loved and trust her godmommy enough to stay with her. I hope it goes well for all of yo. Soooooo sleep in, eat out @ a non-kid friendly restaurant, go to a movie...But HAVE fun too! I'm here if you need me :-) Hugs and enjoy YOURSELF!
PS> Love the new tickers you put up. Aren't they fun?!