Sunday, July 15, 2007

One Year Ago

One year ago, I boarded an airplane to complete the journey that I had started so long ago. The day was so hot and Lea and I had the worst Limo ride ever. We had to ride with the heat on and the windows open so the car would not break down. I guess that was just a prelude to how hot it was going to be in China. After 3 plane rides and 4 movies later we arrived in Beijing. It was 9:30 at night and so hot and humid. We went to bed a short time after arriving. We went a couple of days ahead of the rest of the group and I am glad we did, as we were well rested once it was Shealin day.


Kylie's momma said...

SO COOL...our 3 year anniversary is next week. Where does the time go? And for the record I truly think it's as hot in MT today as it was in China....well close anyway :-) Oh how I want to go back and just take it all in!

Briana's Mom said...

Well, I am heading out one year after you! I am NOT looking forward to the heat of summer in China. But, I can't wait to get Briana. I will be sweatin', but I'll be smilin'!