Thursday, September 06, 2007

Halloween Ideas?

Ok, I know it is a little early but I have been looking for a costume for Shea. I found a really cute penguin costume. However, I also found a really cute cow too. So please chime in and help me decide. We are working on saying Trick or Treat so that we will be ready for our big candy day!

1 comment:

Kylie's momma said...

Well it's official...Kylie is gonna be a horse for Halloween. I asked her yesterday what she wanted to be and she said "A horse, 'member Momma? We saw it at the grocery store" Well that was like at least 2 weeks ago so I guess that's what she really wants to be. So today we were there and they only had 3 left and we bought one. Will look for a picture to post on our blog or get her to try it on. It's gonna be cute I'm tellin' ya :-) So get shoppin nad tell us what Shea is gonna be.