Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tagged Again!

I was tagged by Susan and now have to list 7 weird or random facts about myself, so here goes.

1. I loooooovvvvveeeee Disney! Love going to Disney World, love the movies(animated ones) and the original versions of the classic films. I hope Shealin loves it too!

2. I am never technically challenged, I can figure out how to put things together, fix them and even taught myself how to use Excel. Does that make me a geek?

3. I was co-captain of the color guard and the president of chorus in high school.

4. I have traveled to England, France, Belgium and China.

5. I want to travel to Ireland and Scotland. Hope I win the lottery!

6. I love Genoa salami and it has to be Hormel Dilusso! Its the very best.

7. I really wish I could give Shea a brother or a sister, but that too requires the lottery. Hmmm, I really have to play more.

8. Added bonus, I love to play Ps2, I am an RPG nut. I have not played since Shea has been home and I am getting antsy!

Okay, so now I am supposed to tag 7 random peeps, however Susan, Dusty and Kris have already been tagged. I don't want to tag Donna as she is so close to becoming a mommy! So I am breaking the rules and only tagging Crystal!

1 comment:

kitchu said...

if you're a geek, god, please, make me into one becuase i SO ENVY your #2!!