Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fun Facts about Shealin

Shealin loves to play with the laundry basket. She used to love to sit in it and have her Zio spin her around in it. It seems she now likes to put it on her head and walk around with it or ride her zebra. She loves to play with her tambourine, and Zio has taught her to say hallelujah while she plays it. Thank you Alyssa, Ryan and the other cutest baby in the whole world, Charlotte for the tambourine. However, last night while she was falling asleep she would pop back up and say hallelujah! I will try to capture her on video soon.

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MFJ said...


This is so funny! I followed your journey to China on Adoption Voyages, before my family even decided to adopt! Our friends had an Adoption Voyages site too, Sue and Tim, there daughter is Angela. So that's why we found your site, and now we are adopting and you found mine! Too funny!


Lisa said...

Awe... she is so cute! Our daughter is also a "Chongqing Spicey Girl"! We were in Chongqing in September! :) Which SWI? We were right in the city.

Lisa :)
Loving Gracie