Monday, May 07, 2007

Mashed Potatoes Anyone?

Shealin has discovered the joy of playing with her food, while eating it. She usually just touches it and then wants her hands cleaned. Tonight I told her to stick her fingers in her mouth and she loved it, and boy did things in my kitchen get messy! She is so much fun. For all the waiting mommas your time is coming and it is so worth the long wait. I am thinking of all of you, hang in there I know it is tough.

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Kylie's momma said...

Amazing! From day one Miss K would never like anything to touch her hands. She ALWAYS wants'em washed off even when she was a baby :-) So I'm sure we're a MAJOR stock holder in napkins! Oh well a kid after my own heart....Neatness IS next to Godliness right! Tee hee!

kitchu said...

She is so cute! I often wonder if I was like that, wanting my hands washed off - I hate anything on my hands (dirt, anything sticky)- I'm horrible at yard work cuz I'm always taking breaks to wash my hands.

She is so cute. I just realized you are on the SAC board. Be sure to add Shealin's pic to our "homepage" photo album if you'd like to see her on the homepage!